Monday 27 December 2010

Merry Christmas! :)

Happy Christmas! I hope you had a really good day! I did! We had all our family over in the afternoon which was really nice, my brother has moved back in with us and is currently sleeping on the sofa bed in our lounge so we had to wait a bit longer to open our presents whilst he woke up! My parents are thinking of turning their bedroom into 2 smaller rooms so that my brother has a bedroom, then when he moves out again me and my sister won't have to share a room because we can move into the separate ones! I really hope they can! As one of my presents I got a CD player so I can now play music in my room without using my phone! Unfortunately, because I share a room I can't play music non-stop and my sister and I don't have the same taste in music. I also got quite a few books for Christmas; I am in the middle of reading one which is called "Love walked among us" which is really interesting. I haven't been out much this week so I don't really have much to say but I hope to share some interesting news the week we get back to school! I am very excited for this coming year! 

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Sunday 19 December 2010

The Social Network Christmas!

This is a video that was shown in our church and I just think it's a really cool way to tell the world the good news! Please watch!

Monday 13 December 2010

Nearly a new year...

The realisation hit me earlier today... it is almost the end of the year! At the beginning of this year there were a lot of prophecies about this being a new year and amazing things happening to the youth, and those promises have been fulfilled. My new year's resolution to bring someone to Christ has been fulfilled also! I can't wait to write next years resolution!! I wonder where I will be this time next year and what I will be doing. I think I have a rough idea but it's up to God; I'm waiting to see where he leads me! I am so excited!

I was in Biology today and I was thinking about how my teacher was teaching and I imagined teaching children at some point, specifically poor children who have no homes or families, and I thought that there are so many children and what would be a nice number to take off the streets and look after and I thought to myself: "8? Yes, 8 is a nice number, I can do 8" And as soon as I said it I just felt God laugh! It was so hearty that I started laughing too in the middle of my lesson! I don't think many people noticed but it was very funny. So I am thinking that God has a lot more children in mind than just 8!

I have also been thinking of mission trips and I am interested in doing one next summer, it is for a week and I have signed up for it. There is a selection process so I suppose if God wants me to go then I'll get through and be able to raise the money! It's all so exciting. I would love to be involved with a church plant as well, to watch a church's growth from the beginning. I think that would be so exciting! I think my family might be taking part in one pretty soon!

It would be so cool if a stranger walked up to me and handed me plane tickets to Ukraine with the date on that I was supposed to go but it doesn't always happen like that! Sometimes it does and that is so cool when that happens but I had a dream that my mum told me to start saving for the Ukraine flight now, I woke up and I remembered it very clearly. So, I need to start saving my pocket money! I can't wait until we go back to school next year! My last school year and it's going to be amazing! I know that God has some huge plans ahead and he has written his name on our school as his so we wait for him to spread his revival fire!

Saturday 11 December 2010

The fire is back!

Wahoooo!!! God is so awesome! I love him so much! Last night, we had Youth Group and it was one of the best! The worship was incredible! God really spoke throughout and I really felt his presence! Then we all prayed for each other, someone would sit in the middle and we gathered round and prayed and prophesied over each other. These were the words people prophesied over me: "I see you on the front lines, people have been placed by the enemy to taunt you but you have a huge smile on your face, let joy be your strength. God will use that to overpower." And; "You are on a surf-board on a big wave, surfing- you are panicking a bit. Focus on God, enjoy the ride, don't fret. Enjoy the exhilaration of being on the wave." Also; "Being fired up isn't just a phase, 'to he who has, more will be given'."
   They were really spot on because I have been panicking about the future a bit- the deadlines for handing in applications for 6th form is coming up and I really need to make sure I'm doing what God wants me to do, and follow him. And also, a lot of people at school are being rude to me about me being a Christian, so that was really cool as well! And I want to be continuously fired up for Jesus so they all hit the spot!
   I got home and opened the bible- I couldn't wait to read more of God's word! It opened in the psalms and I read the first few sentences which said "Remember, Lord, how your servant has been mocked, how I bear in my heart the taunts of all nations, the taunts with which your enemies have mocked every step of your anointed one. Praise be to the Lord forever! Amen and Amen." (Psalm 89:50-52)
My eyes then brushed over the last few sentences on the page and read "The seas have lifted up, O Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves. Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea- the Lord on high is mighty." (Psalm 93:3-4)
I thought that was so cool! How both those verses were the things prophesied over me! I love how God does things like that!

And  apart from being sick at 10 to 3 in the morning I am feeling great! I am listening to some worship music whilst my family has gone out for my little brothers birthday, I love it when I have the house to myself, it's so freeing! Well, that's all my news for now. I will update shortly because God is still holding our school in his hands and he is going to do some amazing things! He hasn't forgotten! Expect the unexpected!!

Monday 6 December 2010

The A-Z of Me!

It's only 18 sleeps until Christmas!!! I get so excited! I love Christmas except the going to sleep on Christmas eve part. I can sleep every other night except that one! Why is that? I have no idea, but I hope I get some sleep this year! I think the most annoying thing is being tired and not being able to sleep.

I have sort of ran out of things to post but because I love it so much I've decided to do something a bit weird.. I am going to write an A-Z post about me! I thought I would write down the things that link to me beginning with those letters...

Abigail- My name. It means delight/joy of the father. I love it! ♥

Baths- I love having really long baths, I can read for hours until the water gets cold!

Carpathian mountains- I advise anyone who reads this to type it into google images, it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in the world (which I haven't seen very much of!!) in pictures

Daughter- No I do not have a child! I love being a daughter; I love my parents very very much! I also love being a daughter of God!

Elisha- She is more than my best friend, she's my sister in Christ, we're both quite different but share the same passion for God! I know I can tell her anything and everything!

Farm- I have lived on a farm my entire life and love it! My favourite time of the year is when the lambs are born!

God- Didn't have to think about this one! I hope that God will always be my focus, my rock and my centre. I couldn't live without him and I know I don't have to.

Heaven- I can't even imagine heaven because I haven't even come close to seeing it! I can't wait to be there, with Jesus!

Imagination- I love imaginations! I'm always daydreaming but what I love more is hearing children talk about something they've made up, they have the best imaginations ever!

Jackie Pullinger- A woman whom I admire very much! She was a brave woman with a big heart! 

Knitting- this relates to me through my mother, who loves knitting! She has her own knitting group and she's not even 45!

Love- I think this word describes God, but he loves us in a pure, holy love. I love God's love, I also love the love of friends and family.

Mail- This might be weird, but I love getting letters! Me and my cousin used to write back and forth all the time, we've been really busy recently but I'll try and start it up again! I love having something with my name on it and opening it, someone wrote especially for me! Also; memories, I love looking back at good memories!

Nightime- I love this because it means that you can go to sleep! But I also love it because if you go outside (I only like doing this if someone else is with me!) and look up, you see the amazing beauty of God's creation, I love how you can't see the stars in the day time but when the sun goes down, it's the stars time to shine!

Orphans- For people who are politically correct and say that they aren't orphans because they are God's children.. look in the bible. It uses the word orphans quite a bit. I have a heart to look after those who can't look after themselves, especially young children. I want to help them and show them the love of Jesus.

Prophecy- I love it when God reveals his heart to his people! I love it when someone's life is transformed because God speaks to them and uses us! Everyday, ordinary people as God's messengers!

Quiz- I love playing guessing games like Articulate and Taboo!

Rabbit- I have 5 at the moment! Soon it will go back to one once I have sold the babies! They are very sweet!

Spring- I love Spring! I love it when the trees start growing back and they stand tall again in their glory of green leaves! I love it that the animals give birth to new life and I love remembering what Jesus did for us at Easter!

Teaching- I love being taught, especially by just watching people. I really like teaching other people too, especially children.

Ukraine- My favourite place!!! (Even though I haven't been there yet!) I fell in love with it when I was looking at the pictures on google and I can't wait to see it properly!

Victorian era- I love all old-fashioned things really, I love the clothes they wore, especially in Pride and prejudice! It was such a simple way of living! Although I do love this time as well!

Walking- I love going for walks through the countryside, especially in Spring and Autumn when the colours are so vibrant!

X- I'm afraid I have to leave this one blank because I don't think anything relates to me directly that begins with X, I don't watch the X-Factor but otherwise that would be on it!

Yes- this word changed my life when I said yes to God.

Zapata- I couldn't think of anything for this one so I chose Zapata, apparently it means "to have a long, flowing moustache"! I do NOT have a moustache thank goodness! I just found it pretty funny! ;)

So that's me! A tiny insight into who I am and what I like! It gets harder to think of words towards the end!

Friday 3 December 2010

Love Letter From God.

This is an incredible letter from God to you, his child.

My Child,

You may not know me,
but I know everything about you. 

(Psalm 139:1)
I know when you sit down and when you rise up
(Psalm 139:2)
I am familiar with all your ways. 
(Psalm 139:3)
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. 
(Matthew 10:29-31)
For you were made in my image. 
(Genesis 1:27)
In me you live and move and have your being.
(Acts 17:28)
For you are my offspring. 
(Acts 17:28)
I knew you even before you were conceived. 
(Jeremiah 1:4-5)
I chose you when I planned creation. 
(Ephesians 1:11-12)
You were not a mistake,
for all your days are written in my book. 

(Psalm 139:15-16)
I determined the exact time of your birth
and where you would live. 

(Acts 17:26)
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. 
(Psalm 139:14)
I knit you together in your mother's womb. 
(Psalm 139:13)
And brought you forth on the day you were born. 
(Psalm 71:6)
I have been misrepresented
by those who don't know me.

(John 8:41-44)
I am not distant and angry,
but am the complete expression of love. 

(1 John 4:16)
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 
(1 John 3:1)
Simply because you are my child
and I am your Father. 

(1 John 3:1)
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. 
(Matthew 7:11)
For I am the perfect father. 
(Matthew 5:48)
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. 
(James 1:17)
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. 
(Matthew 6:31-33)
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. 
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Because I love you with an everlasting love. 
(Jeremiah 31:3)
My thoughts toward you are countless
as the sand on the seashore.

(Psalms 139:17-18)
And I rejoice over you with singing. 
(Zephaniah 3:17)
I will never stop doing good to you. 
(Jeremiah 32:40)
For you are my treasured possession. 
(Exodus 19:5)
I desire to establish you
with all my heart and all my soul. 

(Jeremiah 32:41)
And I want to show you great and marvelous things. 
(Jeremiah 33:3)
If you seek me with all your heart,
you will find me. 

(Deuteronomy 4:29)
Delight in me and I will give you
the desires of your heart. 

(Psalm 37:4)
For it is I who gave you those desires. 
(Philippians 2:13)
I am able to do more for you
than you could possibly imagine. 

(Ephesians 3:20)
For I am your greatest encourager. 
(2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
I am also the Father who comforts you
in all your troubles.

(2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you. 

(Psalm 34:18)
As a shepherd carries a lamb,
I have carried you close to my heart. 

(Isaiah 40:11)
One day I will wipe away
every tear from your eyes. 

(Revelation 21:3-4)
And I'll take away all the pain
you have suffered on this earth.

(Revelation 21:3-4)
I am your Father, and I love you
even as I love my son, Jesus.

(John 17:23)
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. 
(John 17:26)
He is the exact representation of my being. 
(Hebrews 1:3)
He came to demonstrate that I am for you,
not against you. 

(Romans 8:31)
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.
(2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 
(2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
His death was the ultimate expression
of my love for you. 

(1 John 4:10)
I gave up everything I loved
that I might gain your love. 

(Romans 8:31-32)
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus,
you receive me. 

(1 John 2:23)
And nothing will ever separate you
from my love again.

(Romans 8:38-39)
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party
heaven has ever seen.

(Luke 15:7)
I have always been Father,
and will always be Father.

(Ephesians 3:14-15)
My question is…
Will you be my child? 

(John 1:12-13)
I am waiting for you. 
(Luke 15:11-32)

Love, Your Dad
Almighty God

Love them like Jesus...

I read something in a book last night which was.. pretty awesome! The book was the bible and it said this: "But I tell you who hear me: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who ill-treat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If some one takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking you tunic. Give to everyone who asks of you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back." (Luke 6:27-30)

I have read this passage before, but it hadn't really stood out to me that much. I read it again, and realised that actually, I have so much to learn. You see, I got this cup for my birthday, it's a Cath Kidson mug and I was really pleased with it. However I don't use it that often because it's quite large and I usually only want a small cup of tea or whatever, but it was still mine. Then, my sister started borrowing it and for some reason I got really annoyed. I told her not to steal it because it's mine and I didn't want her to break it. I kept getting angry with her every time she took it. Now, having read that, I could have let her take it. I could have offered to make her a cup of tea with it. When my sisters want to borrow my clothes I could let them borrow them, then they wouldn't be 'stealing'. If we share everything with everyone, there wouldn't be thieves!! If my sister takes my favourite jumper from my wardrobe, I could offer her my best hat to go with it. That is love! It's grace! It's loving like Jesus! We all think 'What Would Jesus Do?' But do we all think 'What Did Jesus Do?' Jesus gave everything he had, when people persecuted him he prayed "Father forgive them" When the poor came to him, he blessed them. 

I know that I have so many things, a lot of it is junk, as Christmas comes closer I will obtain more "stuff" but there are people who own nothing but the clothes on their backs. I have so much that I can give, what stops me? I honestly don't know the answer to that question. I want to give and share but why don't I? Maybe I value my possessions far more than I should. We come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. So technically, that means that every possession we own, doesn't really belong to us. We're borrowing it whilst we're on this earth. If the world didn't value "stuff" so much, every one would be more satisfied. People say money doesn't buy you happiness, I don't completely agree. I think it buys happiness for a while, but it will never buy satisfaction. Some one spends their whole life saving for  this one object because the media or their friends have told them that it's amazing and that it will bring them happiness. And they buy it, and it does make them happy! For a week or two they're overjoyed with this "thing" that they have, but then they see an advert for a car or a new phone and suddenly, they want that instead. The thing that they so desperately wanted, when they have it, they suddenly see it's uselessness. True happiness comes from serving other people. I'm not talking about becoming a slave, I'm talking about helping others. Some people might spit it back in your face, but the people who accept your help and are grateful, that will make you happy. When you make someone smile or say thank you or laugh, don't you feel all bubbly inside? It makes you happy knowing that others are happy. It is impossible to be happy when you are walking through a street with children dying both sides of you, a war zone in front of you. And not just because you're scared you could die, but because you see suffering. Unless your a sadist you can't smile when you watch destruction and suffering. But when you help those people, when you make a child smile, then you start to smile, knowing that you just made someone else's life worthwhile. If you're unsatisfied with life and don't feel that your life is worthwhile, it's because your not doing anything worthwhile! I can spend my time playing computer games, reading novels, lying in on the weekends, arguing with my sisters, these are all pointless things which do absolutely nothing. If I didn't do these things and instead I spent time with God, I helped my mum with the tidying, I went and spent time with old people who are dying and with newborn infants, then I would see the meaning to this life, I would be humbled. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not having a go at anyone, I do it too! I live an unsatisfying life because I am selfish and I place too much value on worldly things. I want to be humbled and full of love and grace! I can't do it on my own, that's why I need God to help me. To ask him if he will soften my heart and open doors to help people. I need him to help me get rid of the selfishness in my life and give me a heart of love. I am going to mess up, it's going to happen because I am only a human. I need God to help me, but even if I don't change, even if tomorrow I go shopping and buy lots of clothes and ignore the homeless guy on the street, God still loves me! I can't stress this enough!! You are free by grace! God died so that we don't have to earn our way to heaven, if we accept him and ask him into our lives, we are going to heaven!!!!! *CELEBRATE* but I want the most out of my life, I want to live a life full of love. 

God love us so much! He thinks about us all the time! He can't take his mind of us! We are free! We are children of God! I read this the other day, it's a love letter from God, they are all verses from the bible put together to make a letter of love from our creator God. I just read it and it is quite long so I will put it on a separate post... Please read it, it's amazing!!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Let it snow!

As I'm sure most of Britain did, we woke up this morning with snow!! So that means we're not at school today :D Yay!! I have put a couple of pictures here because I never put pictures on!

This is a picture of my sisters foot and how far it sinks in the snow!! It's even higher in some places, a bit further down the road it's up to our knees!

 This is our lovely puppy called Pip, she loves eating the snow!

 This is in our garden.. and our other dog called Jazz, she prefers knocking our snowmen down to eating them!!!

Me, my sister and my brother starting a snowman!

The next day, I then finished it off and took lots of photos with different outfits! The last picture is my very bad editing skills putting the snowmen family together... We don't have photo shop unfortunately!

That's all for now, just pray that the electric doesn't go out! It's freezing already!! That's the trouble with living on a farm!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Incredible Love...

I decided to write a list of some amazing books because if you haven't read them then you're missing out big time! So here goes, my favourite books (in no particular order!):
Compelled by love (Heidi Baker), Always Enough (Heidi and Rolland Baker), Chasing The Dragon (Jackie Pullinger), Moving In The Prophetic (Greg Haslam), Story Lines (Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft), More Than Conquerors (Simon Guillebaud), and The Holy Bible.

Anyway. I was writing this post because I had read something in Story Lines which I found absolutely incredible. I always used to think that God was a bit harsh and a bit angry in the old testament and couldn't understand Him...As a bit of background to the bible if you've never read it, God created the world and made People (Adam and Eve). The world and everything in it was perfect, just as God intended. God's presence was with Adam and Eve and He loved them. God gave humans freewill and they ended up turning their backs on God. Each generation after that continued turning their backs on God and became 'unclean' and rebelled, but because God loved them He wanted to still be with them so He created these laws for them to be purified so that His presence could still be with them. The people didn't follow these laws and they ended up making idols and worshipping "Gods" made of wood and Gold. They even sacrificed their children to please theses man-made "Gods". This is an amazing example from the book I've been reading. Now imagine this:
    Your best friend gets married. She loves him with all that she has but she comes home one day and finds him having sex with another woman. How totally heart-broken she would be. Instead of walking away, your friend chooses to forgive her husband and continues with the marriage, still loving him as much as she did before. She comes home a week later and this time he's sleeping with somebody else! The months go by and he sleeps with anyone and everyone, he does it publicly and without feeling any sense of shame. One day she comes home and finds to her utter horror that he has murdered their children to please another woman. Your friend is beyond devastated; she is totally shattered and absolutely broken. She comes to you for advice. What do you say? If we were God's counsellor and this moment we would've said "God, you've given it your best shot. She'll never change; she's had way too many lovers. It's not just that she has broken your heart, she's completely humiliated you! You've done everything you can to save the marriage. Now for your sake, walk away- no one would blame you!" An issue some have with the God in the old testament is why he got so angry; our honest question, having read this, is why didn't he get more angry?

Wow. I just think that is incredible. I mean I wouldn't blame God if he gave up on us, in fact I'd probably even advise it! Instead, he sent his only son, Jesus, down to earth. To live as a man and then die and pay the punishment we deserve. We deserve total separation from God, we deserve to die, to pay the price for what we did. I used to think that because I had never murdered anyone it meant that I was a good person. Actually, we've all done something wrong. If you say you haven't you just lied. The thing is The Holy, Perfect, Incredible God can't be with us if we aren't completely pure. But he loved us, his creation, so much that he sent his son to die a horrific death that we deserve. The best news is that it's free! We can now be in his presence 24/7 because Jesus made a way, he pulled the plug out so that God's presence can flow again! God planned it from the beginning because he knew we couldn't do it! All we have to do is accept it. Believe it. It's free for anyone, from the murderer to the queen! If I gave you some cake for free, it's still free but it's up to you to take it, and if you do take it, if you then do something wrong, I'm not going to take the cake away from you! When you accept God's grace and love- it's for life. We don't and can't do anything to deserve his love but it doesn't matter because its free! It grace! Gods Riches At Christ's Expense! God loves us when we're good and he loves us when we're not! All we do is accept this amazing gift of Grace. Sounds incredible right? It's true! We will never be able to understand everything about God because we, in our human mindsets could never do what he did for us. Jesus said "Greater loves has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends". Jesus has that amazing love because he willingly gave up his own life for us. Guess what.. There's more. Not only did he die for us to cancel our debts forever, he rose again! He CONQUERED death! He slapped death in the face and rose above it! If we simply accept what Jesus has done for us then our sins are wiped away forever! I bet there's one thing you've done that you would cringe if anyone found out, well God wiped it off the slate. It's gone, forgotten because he cancelled it out and payed the price. All we do is choose to accept it.. or turn away. We have the choice because God gave us free will.
What do you choose?

Monday 29 November 2010

Over the weekend..

This weekend has been amazing! My friend and I had a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday. I had slept over her house so on Saturday morning we got up and wrote a list of everything we felt we should pray for. I wrote a list of expectations I wanted God to do throughout that day and he fulfilled every one again!

I found this verse and love it! Matthew 20: 21-22 'Jesus relied "I tell you the truth if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what is done to the fig tree but you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea', and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.'
As we were praying and worshipping I felt God speak a couple of words to me:
1. Last year, Snow didn't fall for ages; we saw signs of it coming and a little fell but it didn't settle or stay long. This year, the snow has came early. [This town] was one of the first places it hit- and settled! The last have come first. God is coming to do amazing works, his spirit has settled on [This town] and he is calling the people to him, he won't fade or melt away, this is it. The time for revival has come. ~ God then spoke and said to me "Open the bible, I want to confirm that" I opened it and read these words "The day of your watchmen has come, the day God visits you."
2. Jesus said he has compassion for the church; he sees we're hungry. He says he will not let us leave unfilled. He will feed the church, this is a promise.
3. God said he wants to change Christmas from a superficial Christmas to a supernatural Christmas. That we should humble ourselves by visiting the dying elderly and the children and show God's love to the poor! Christmas isn't about trees and presents, it's about the love of God, fulfilling a promise to the world.

Later that afternoon, we went treasure hunting. Basically we go into the streets of [This town] and pray for God to gives us clues. We write them down on our treasure maps and go and seek out the clues to bless the people and pray for them. God done some really amazing things! It was such a blessing to know that we were blessing others! 

My friend and I also prayed for each other and she said this: "I felt God say you're on an unravelling path! You won't always be able to see what's ahead, but every time you take a step of faith forwards, he is going to keep unravelling the path before you! Keep trusting and putting your faith in him- He knows everything!" This was really cool because I was waiting for God to give me more directions about the future and this really spoke to me about doing what God has already told me to do so he can reveal more as I climb the next hill.

Sunday was also really good. My friend's dad did a preach which was really good. Then on Sunday evening I went to the prayer meeting which was also great! I think I'll try and go more often, it's great praying with other people.

Today we had our school prayer meeting at lunch which was fun too! I don't think praying is ever boring actually! ;) So I've had a really good weekend! That's all for now! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday 25 November 2010

Running out of blog titles.....

An entire week of Mock exams! They are finally over! In a years time I will never have to do  exams if I choose not to continue further education... a scary thought! What if I don't continue education.. what if God has other plans? I think he's starting to reveal them bit by bit. It's so exciting to be part of an amazing plan that glorifies God!! I don't know how may people will support the idea of stopping "education" but I'm going to do what God says and let some one else worry about other people's views!

In December the United Nations are voting on the "defamation of religious expression" which basically means that if it goes through, each government will be able to decide which restrictions they put on religious freedom. Basically, making the persecution of Christians legal. It might not happen, only God knows. But, it is very possible. There are already a huge number of Christians being persecuted all over the world and it's only going to get bigger. I'm not afraid. If God says it's going to happen, it will happen. It may not necessarily be in my lifetime. It's hard to imagine so many things changing but eventually, change will be inevitable. I'm not sounding too grim am I? It's not supposed to be! Jesus is our rock and our fortress, he has given us spiritual armour so that we may run the race of life. Don't worry! Jesus has already won!! The whole battle was won when Jesus rose from the grave! The bible says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" The road is prepared. It's going to happen with or without you, but Jesus wants you! Are you prepared to follow him, allow him to use your life as a reflector of his glory? Then tell him! Let him know! He wants to hear you say that you'll do anything and go anywhere for him! If you tell him that, he will use you to bring people to him.

In a world of darkness it's our time to shine! Let the love of God be our road map and the spirit be our guide. Think something is impossible? Nothing is impossible with God. Think you can't do it? 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 says; 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. In our weakness, God is strong. Sometime (not always!) it's great when we don't know anything. People always say to me that I need to bring something with me when I go to Ukraine; some qualification to help the people. And you know what? That's great when people go as nurses or teachers! But sometimes God just wants us as we are. I feel, for me, I don't have the time to go to University before I go to Ukraine. But I have something for them which saves lives too, and it will never run out or dry up. Jesus. He is never ending! His love will never run out! They can just keep passing it on and on to others! I may not know how to save some one's physical body from dying, but I know how to save their spirit and you don't need a degree in that! I think it's great when people learn first aid but I don't want to bring bandages and medicines! I want to bring the healing power of Jesus! If I knew how to resuscitate someone, I would. But because I don't, I would have to pray for them! So in this case it's a good job I don't know other things to rely on. It's such a great adventure because it means relying on God alone! This is going to be a massive leap of faith, but Jesus told me that when I can't walk on water he will carry me. I never want to walk alone! And I will never have to. Jesus promised us that he would never leave us! I'm not worried about it even though it does seem quite scary. I have Jesus and he is my rock. My protector. We are immortal until God calls us home, I know God is going to use me for his glory so I will not die for any other reason than him! I need you to pray that the people around me will see this as being faithful to the call of God and not some lunatic adventure! (Even if it seems that way!) There will be a lot of opposition, I know. Especially from people I love most. But God is my highest authority. What he says goes. So I will obey him before anyone else. (Obviously I will make sure that what he is saying to me is really from him!) I know people will think I'm crazy but I care what God thinks not what other people think. Although it would be great to have their support too! ;)

I do need to be spending more time with God so I continue hearing him speak. I really want to but I'm so tired in the morning that I set my alarm and then turn it off and go back to sleep!! Any one got any ideas of how to wake up?!!! Maybe I should get a friend who is an early riser to phone me and not go away until I am out of bed! It's not that I think I have to but I really want to! The evenings aren't as good because its a good end to your day but not a good start!

So that's it from me really for now. A friend and I are doing a prayer day on Saturday for our school and friends and such so if you would like to pray too then please do so for our school! We are looking for God to start a revival wind in our school and that his love would rest upon us and he would start speaking to us about the school :D

Thank you!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Just another day

Our rabbit has just had baby bunnies which are so cute! They keep poking their tiny noses out if the nest! :D
 I didn't have a great day today... it was going fine until I had a drama rehearsal at lunch. I love drama and I want to get a good grade in it so I try to try my best. It isn't helpful when half the group doesn't want to work! I don't think they understand me; I wrote an entire script because we only had one lunch rehearsal to do 10 minutes worth and thought I was doing them a favour to try and help everyone out but they think I'm being bossy and taking over! I would hate to be the leader.. it means that every time something goes wrong the weight is on your shoulders! Some people can be very nasty about stupid things! Never mind. God made sure my lovely best friend was there too And now I am at home and can relax and go to sleep! Except all of my siblings are arguing with each other~ this is one crazy house!

I am almost at the end of my book so will need to find another good one! Any one got any suggestions? I love reading, although doubt I'll have much time for that next week; I have my GCSE mocks, Oh joy! I don't think they'll be too difficult except maybe Maths! Oh well, after these two weeks of Mock exams it will be only 3 weeks until Christmas!!! Yay!!! Yes I am still excited about the presents ;)

So that's it really for today! I'll be back soon with much more news as God continues pour out his love! God bless! x

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Drenched in God

I love God! He is Amazing! I've been trying to spend time with God more regularly which is such a blessing to my life. I would love to do that in the mornings but school gets in the way! I need to force myself to get up earlier because I want to start and end my day with God! 

I am so excited about what God is doing and about to do! I want to be completely undone by God's love! I want to experience his powerful love everyday! I want to be completely submerged in his water of life and spirit but at the moment, the water is only washing over my feet, but hey Jesus started by washing his disciples feet!!! I want to be drenched in him and worship in his presence! It has to be more than just twice a week at church and youth group! I need him I want him I desire him I want to be captivated by my Jesus!

People may have noticed a change in me through my writing since the beginning of this blog. That is Jesus! It isn't some weird "stage" in my life, it's the power of Jesus coming into my life! May it never stop! People can call me weird but I don't care, the most important thing to me is to remain in Jesus: And what shall separate us from the love of God? NOTHING! I love Jesus with a passion! I love my family and friends too but Jesus will always come first (I hope!) 

I want to see miracles every day, I want to see revival hit and break open this town I want to walk down a street and see groups of people praying together and worshipping the Lord! I know some of what I'm saying sound like Jackie Pullinger and Heidi Baker, I've been reading their books and found them to be truly life-changing. I have also been reading the bible and found that to be life-changing too! I know Jesus wants me to surrender to his love so that he can use me for his Kingdom come! He wants that for everyone!

Christmas is coming up and I can't wait! This year it isn't all about the presents, I want to celebrate the birth of Jesus! I don't think I have ever really done that before,  Christmas was all about family and fun and presents (Which it should be!!) But it should also be about God's amazing plan to save us and celebrating that and being thankful to God!

I pray that Jesus would drenched me his love! He wants everyone to be! I pray that he would use me for great works so that his light may shine through me! May Jesus name be glorified!!