Monday 30 April 2012

Keep my eyes focused, You are the long run

My God is an awesome God

Today and tomorrow you are the same. You are the everasting God, my shelter, my safety. You are the one in whom I trust. I trust you Jesus. I am still uncertain of the future but I will wait fot your timing. Give me peace.

When I see how great my God is, how awesome He is! How marvellous! The one who created the universe, the stars, the moon, the sky, the air that I breathe. The one who holds all life in the palm of his hand, right next to the scars of nails and the place where my name is engraved. When I see how big, how mighty, how powerful He is, my heart soars! Because nothing can ever compare to his might! Because every problem and trial that I encounter is nothing compared toknowing my God.

He is Lord, He is on the throne and no power can ever knock him off it! He is power. He is life. He is God. My God! O my God! I love you with everything within me, I love you with every substance of my body! I live for you God. You are the only thing that can satisfy me! How great you are!

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed." says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

How I love that verse! Thank you for loving us unconditionally! You are a beautiful God! You loved us when we were far and you loved us to the cross! Thank you my beautiful Jesus! You remain faithful forever, thank you that I get to spend forever in your presence! Wahoo! Lord I am so so so excited to see you face toface, to fall down at your feet and worshipyou without restriction or care. My only desire to be for you. To be 100% satisfied for eternity! You are God and you are good! Amen!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Glide through the sky

Random title but I'm in a bit of a random mood!

Ah God is so good isn't he?! Yesterday we were in church and my pastor came up to me before worship (I was singing that morning) and said "You know if you want to go ahead with a prophetic song we'll back you up here" and as soon as he said that I knew God was going to do something. So half way through worship, suddenly God just put these lyrics onto my lips "I am redeemed, I have been set free" and the truth of God's grace suddenly became so apparent that I started singing them, I can't remember all the words but it was about being completely free to kneel before God's throne because I am white and pure and spotless and I have no sin on me because Jesus took it all with his blood. And The Holy Spirit just flooded down on me and afterwards people said that He had on them too so that was awesome! God is sooooo cool!

More Lord! Ah, I actually love God so much! He is my King! I hope I give Him glory through this blog because that is what it's for, giving Him glory through my life and through these posts.

I said something the other day to a friend which I thought was quite cool, it was "There's no need to worry. Everyday I'm just going to wake up and worship God, and He's going to take me on a journey!" So now I just need to remember that! God is always good, He is on the throne and can never be knowcked off so there is no need to be anxious about anything! He will always guide my footsteps, I just need to start to walk!

I want to fall so utterly in love with God that it just radiates from me, I want to be so alive in Him that nothing else matters except the things that are on his heart. How great is our God!

What A Beautiful Creator :)