Tuesday 18 October 2011

Didn't last very long...

So turns out that wasn't the last post... I'm bored and felt like blogging. I've just emailed 5 people who have moved away to do things God has called them to do and now I feel a little bit jealous that I'm not on such a grand adventure! No, I take that back. My life is a pretty big adventure, I just wish it would get a bit more exciting! I mean, I really want to go abroad and do something like go to Kenya and teach primary school kids or go to The Ukraine and help street kids, or go anywhere that needs people to help the poor. I know everyone says the rich need to find Jesus as much as the poor but that's not my heart! My heart is to help the poor, particularly children and I'm going to feel restless until I'm out there helping. I love feeling needed and I just don't feel that right now. My 2 best friends have moved away to go to a music college, which is an awesome experience for them, but that just means that I don't even feel needed by them anymore. I don't mean to sound selfish but hey, isn't that what  blogs are for? My passion is to be in the heart of the action, helping people in a physical way just like Jesus taught us to in the bible. I keep praying for an opportunity to go somewhere but God's going to need to provide in a big way. My parents wouldn't be to happy about me going abroad but if it was definitely from God then they would support me. If God wants me to stay here for longer then I will, but I just feel like I'm not doing much. I wish I could be of more help to people who really need my help. I don't have much to give, I'm not special, I'm from a small town in England with a passion for Jesus and the poor and I feel like I want to do something with my life. Anyway, rant over! I feel satisfied with pouring out my feelings onto a page which nobody reads, it's quite cathartic.

That said, life is good. I'm a pretty laid back, happy person (you'd never guess that from my posts though!) and enjoy life for the most part. I know some lovely people and am completely in love with Jesus, I want to get to know him better though because I know I'm not living in the fullness of His power and I know I would be so much more satisfied with life if I was. If anyone is reading this and has a bible on them (Or just type it into Google) read Isaiah 58, I've been re-reading it over and over again this past week. It's so beautiful! When I think about God, it makes me happy :) So I can now leave this blog in a good mood again because I've just been thinking about Him. Jesus is awesome! I literally wouldn't know what to do without Him.