Thursday 26 July 2012

France and Lovely people!

Wahey! Just returned from my adventure in France and can honestly say it was one of the best weeks of my life! God did some incredible things there and I know we've made an impact on the city and the Church growth.

This is a picture of the city centre, it is such a beautiful country! I got this picture of google because we didn't take loads of the city but I'll upload some more later!

Where to start?! At the beginning of the week we had an amzing weekend in Croydon training for going out to our different locations and met with God so powerfully there! Felt a release in the spirit of prophecy which was exciting as had many oppertunities to prophecy this week.

We had an amazing worship session Saturday evening and a brilliant talk about newday global by one of the leaders. It was so cool to look back through the notes in France and keep encouraging each other to be bold! We went to a church in Croydon on the Sunday and Jazz preached, was REALLY good! Made me so excited about going out to Montpellier. We created our own "Team Monty t-shirts" with the slogan "All things are possible." They truly are with God!

At the beginning of the week I was slightly disheartened because I had trouble with the language barrier, I've been studying French at AS level the past year but although I could understand a lot I couldn't respond in French. So we prayed over that and BOOM the next day went out and preached the gospel in French! Had some awesome conversations which were really encouraging and had the opportunity to pray for one woman's father who was in hospital. Also, went treasure hunting and found one guy which matched nearly every single one of my clues! Very encouraging! God is so funny, at one point I was praying what to put under the "unusual" bracket and heard Him say "Tree" but I said "God, trees aren't really unusual?!" and he replied "This is an unusual tree." Haha! I found that so funny, God has a sense of humour! We found the unusual tree too! Another time I was sat in my room after hearing an incredible talk on prophecyand was praying that I would distinguish God's voice more clearly. So I prayed God would show me who the next person to walk into my room would be and at that the door creaked open and Jesus said "It's me!" and I felt his presence in the room and just started laughing at his little joke! He's awesome! We did the lifehouse skit as well which had a really great impact because it was a large scale evangelism without any language barrier and we had some great conversations with people because of it.

This is a picture of some of the team, they were all amazing and I love them all loads! Made some great friends, got along with everyone, they're amazing! So passionate about Jesus- they're going to change the world!

I feel like God has and is changing that city and He used us! It was awesome to be apart of that. Though there were challenges, God grew us in them and I know I've made some lifelong friendships with some truly inspirational people and can't wait to see what God has in store for everyone for the rest of this year! Will probably post more as I think of more that happened. :)

Enjoy the photos! Much love! xx

Wednesday 11 July 2012

To France and to being 17!

I'm SO excited! Just been to a prayer meeting where people prayed over me to go to France on Saturday and had some AWESOME promises made over me! God had said to me a couple of weeks ago, I will make and fulfill promises over you, I will speak over your future in France, but then tonight he used people to say some awesome things about being helped with the language and being given bible verses at the right moment and about having a strong angel guarding over me, also having something birthed in me which I will know at France but will be birthed here, there was some others about growing stronger in God and coming back stronger with branches and leaves on my little tree. It's all so exciting, I can't wait! I bought a rucksack today too, one you take camping/ mountain hiking,etc. and just felt it was a prophetic symbol over my life, of packing my life into a bag and living like that.

More Lord,continue to speak I pray, give me ears to listen and an understanding mind, let me know when you are speaking and when you are fulfilling, use me to be a blessing in that nation I pray! Thank you for this incredible oppertunity father, I know there are no conincedences in you so use me I pray! Thank you!

I will blog more upon returning.. be prepared for INCREDIBLE testimonies of what God has done, I go in faith!

Saturday 7 July 2012

Changes again

So I haven't blogged in a really long time, apologies for that, it's been quite hectic! I feel refreshed. Had some awesome promises over next year, it's funny how everything has worked out really. I was told that I have to take up another AS subject next year as I only did 3 this year so I was a bit miffed really. Anyway, after praying about it I decided on sociology because I'm sure it will help me learning about family values and justice, etc. Also, God just completely changed my heart for 6th form, instead of moping around complaining about everything my perspective was changed, God reminded me that now I'll have to be there more often so I'll have more time to evangelize. Plus, seeing as it's my last year I feel like God has some AWESOME things planned! A friend from small group prayed and prophesied over me that this will be a remarkable year both academically and spiritually.. good news!

Also, I have been single for almost 2 weeks and it looks like it is finished completely now, we're still friends but I'm peaceful about where we've left it and feel like God has other plans so there won't be a getting back together this time. So right now I'm just going to focus on God and see where he wants me. I want to forget about guys for a while, God is so much more important to me and I know he has plans for me that I can only do whilst single right now. I am praying he gives me a godly husband in the future but right now I'm just trusting him.

God is good! I'm really excited about the prospect of doing TEFL next year or the year after, I'm just finishing the course now and love it! Also, I want to save some money and get a rosetta stone cd to learn Russian better, I can read the cryllic alphabet but I'm not sure how to pronounce everything. It's all exciting stuff, I was challenged through a book the otehr day that even when doors in the natural open up still seek God first and ask whether it's right to walk through. Sometimes we make doors for ourselves when God has something  better, I want to trust him more because I know he has my best interest at heart. How I love him!

I'm off to France next week for the mission trip thing.. so excited! I know God will use me and bless me there. I know he'll speak to me about my future too which is awesome! Mainly, I just want to glorify God and hear him clearly. Amen!

That's about all today, I'll tryand blog more before France but if not expect some awesome testimonies when I return!

Sunday 17 June 2012

Spending time with important people

I've just been far away visiting a couple of my friends who are at a music college! It was soooo good to see them again! I realised how important it is having friends in your life; friends you can absolutely trust and be yourself with. Just been thinking about how important honesty is as well. Yeah, this is a sort of random post about randomness because I'm just in a thinking mood.

Actually love Lady Antebellum right now, particularly 'Need you now', they are so beautiful! I really do love country! Anyhoo, can't really be bothered with blogging right now, umm so yeah had an amazing time and just seeking God for the present and future. Really want to find a new level of intimacy with him because he is incredible and I want to be consumed by him!

Saturday 9 June 2012

My Saviour, My God

I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at His right hand
Stands One who is my Savior

I take Him at His word and deed
Christ died to save me, this I read
And in my heart I find a need
Of Him to be my Savior

That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange so once did I
Before I met my Savior

My Savior loves, my Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, my God He is
My God He's always gonna be

My Savior loves, my Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, my God He is
My God He's always gonna be

Yes, living, dying, let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring
That He who lives to be my King
Once died to be my Savior

That He would leave His place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange so once did I
Before I knew my Savior

My Savior loves, my Savior lives
My Savior's always there for me
My God He was, my God He is
My God He's always gonna be

My Savior lives, my Savior loves
My Savior lives, my Savior loves
My Savior lives

By Aaron Shust

Thursday 7 June 2012

He remains always

Good morning! What a lovely morning, it's pouring down with rain outside! Typical!

Had a really great couple of weeks of God tlaking to me massively! Had a word for a lady I had never met before, had some words for guys at church and small group and had a few dreams which I think were prophetic! Really awesome that God is speaking and I can hear Him!

Last night went to small group and I was just praying (in my head) Oh God I want to see your face, I want to meet with you, Lord please speak to me, etc. And my small group leader said she had a word for me that God wanted to give me hinds feet to enable me to walk upon high mountains of places in the spirit with Him.(Habakkuk 3:19 says "The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.") She said God wanted to pour out his spirit and make me naturally supernatural, to have times with God which are wow, where we would spend time together in his spirit. She said I have a pure heart and God wants to not make me superspiritual but to be full of the spirit and keep having a balance of word and spirit; too much word you dry up, too much spirit you blow up. She prayed for the miraculous and signs and wonders to be used through me and I was so encouraged! I am so excited that God wants to meet with me and use me! I can't wait for all he is going to do, I really want to go to massively high places in his Spirit and go to places no one has gone before and meet with Jesus on another level! God please do this with me, let this word be fulfilled soon!

Also, a few weeks ago, I was looking through some old primary school things and I found a letter that I had written to myself to open when I was 16, so I reread it and it said that I wanted to be a nurse and give people the freedom of speech! Then I looked on a charity website which helps women in the Ukraine who have been part of the sex traffiking and realised how useful it would be to have midwifery when so many women give birth in unsanitary conditions or don't know how to look after themselves or their babies. So I looked through some university websites and found out that pretty much all unis wanted biology or sociology at A level which I don't have. So I prayed and left it there. But last night I had a dream which I remember vividly; I was at school and was taken to one of science classrooms where there was a biology AS exam going on. I tried to explain that I had never sat in a Biology classroom at AS level and that I hadn't learnt anything or even looked at one of the exam papers but they wouldn't listen, they said my name was on the sheet of paper so I had to take the exam. So I went in scared as anything and took my piece of paper with the rest of the class, I started filling in this exam which was about an experiment and I prayed God please help me! I was suddenly filled with the holy spirit and God just spoke to me saying if he could give me an AS in Biology why could he not enable me to train further. And I was suddenly made aware that if I had Biology I could trian in midwifery! It was so random but cool! So I'm going to pray into this and see if God means anything through that! If he does awesome, if not thats cool too! It's up to you Lord, I will follow your will!

God is awesome! He is holding us by our right hand! He sustains us and loves us to life! What an amazing father we have! Thank you my beautiful Jesus, thank you so much! There is no one like you Lord!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Saturday 12th May 2012

Had such a great day today! Went to a training day for the mission trip I’m going on in July; it was so good! I’ve been reading Simon Guillebaud’s book ‘Dangerously Alive’ which is really challenging me to live radically for Jesus. I know I get caught up in this western way of thinking constantly and I really want to change that. I need to spend more time with God, to learn to depend on him better; I can’t go anywhere until I’ve learnt to trust him. That’s what this is all about, faith and trust! I just want to bring glory to God, and I can do that well when I am satisfied and fulfilled in Him. I need him to ruin my normal worldly life and bring me to a place of utter dependence in Him. I want to be a servant hearted follower of Christ who makes a real, lasting difference in the world. Today. Help me Lord.

I had to catch so many trains today but it was funny, even in that God spoke to me! One of the train signs said “This is where great journeys start” and the next sign in the next station said “The life of Christ”. I thought, yeah it really does start with Him! It was quite a revelation that God is the only lasting adventure, the only great journey. Also, I met a lovely Christian girl today who lives a few hours away from me so we caught the same train back together. We talked and shared testimonies and built each other up, it was really cool, and she shed light onto certain things in my life and was really wise. Definitely feel it was a God appointment! I remember her asking me what gifts I had and what I liked doing and one thing I replied was ‘reading, although it’s not really a gift!’ and she said actually it is a gift, so many people in the world can’t read and laughed and said maybe you’ll teach orphans how to read! (I had told her about my heart for orphans) It was like a confirmation from God, I hadn’t told her that I wanted to do that and she said it!

Also, got prayed for at the training day and a lovely woman prophesied over me, she said that God has named me for a reason, he chose my name for me because it means delight of the father and he delights in me. He sings over me, he gets so excited and shouts “that’s my girl, that’s MY girl!” She said God isn’t disappointed in me, and when I feel that it’s a lie because God delights in me constantly, I’m precious to him. So that was amazing! Felt freed from having to live a “perfect” life because Jesus won it for me. I don’t need to strive for it. It was incredible to hear that how much God is pleased with me, I’m his beloved daughter! How great is our God?

Plus, on the train back, I switched to a faster train which went straight back to my home town but my return ticket was only for several stations before as I was planning on buying another ticket. We pulled into the last stop for my ticket and I felt God ask me to get off and buy another ticket as planned just to honour the train guys really as I could have got away with it. So I stopped at that station and bought another ticket and whilst I was there I just prayed “God if you want to use me, I’m willing, so use me”. So when the train arrived I got on and God highlighted a seat to me so I sat down (!). An older woman was sat on the next seat across the aisle and a couple of people were in front and behind us. Well I sat down and felt God say “serious illness”, so I thought, I think God wants me to talk to this woman! I carried on reading my book and tried to ignore it but this feeling wouldn’t go away. I was too nervous to talk to her in front of loads of other people though so I said that to God and he was like “it’s okay, I’ll take care of it” and they got off at the next stop! So I was sat near this lady and started talking about her crochet to start up a conversation. Well it turns out she lives in Northern Ireland and she was meeting her son at the train station where I live to stay with her mother. So we just talked and she mentioned that she had had breast cancer (serious illness!) but that she had gone through the treatment and was well again. She asked me what book I had been reading and I said it was about a Christian missionary and I told her where I went to church and that I was a Christian. So I didn’t share a huge testimony or anything but simply mentioned that I was a Christian.  Anyway, she said she used to go to a church near mine when she lived here. Then we parted ways at the last stop and said it had been lovely speaking. She walked off and I watched her meet her son… You’ll never guess who it was?!! It was the same man from the smoking shelter that my friend and I had told about Jesus!!!! I know!!!! God is sooooo awesome! I mean, God gave me a dream which made me want to meet up with my friend, then we met and it started raining so we had to find a shelter on that day. Then today, I went on a train to London (of all the places!) and God told me to honour the train guys and buy another ticket which meant getting on another train. And on that train a seat was highlighted and he confirmed that he wanted me to speak to her through the words “serious illness” and she lived in Northern Ireland and had decided to visit on that day, on that train and she was the same guys mother!! Coincidence? I think not!!!

Hahahahahaa!!! Oh it is just flipping fantastic! Thank you Lord for using me to show your glory, I just know God has plans for that family!!! It’s AWESOME! :D

Got so many quotes I’ll be sharing from “African Adventure” because there are some truly inspirational things in there! So excited about what God has planned! I love you Jesus! I’ll post again soon but for now goodnight!

*These posts were typed up separately because my internet stopped working for a few days. Therefore, they are all posted around the same time as I have transferred them and I have correctly dated them in the post title.

Wednesday 9th May 2012

Firstly, let me apologize for the lateness of this post. My internet has not been working for a while so I must add the posts in now with the date as the title to show when it all happened! Looking back, it's been pretty exciting! So Wednesday...

Last week I had a dream about a friend of mine and I know it was important but I just couldn’t remember what it was about so I said ‘I feel like we should meet up and just have a conversation some time. So today we decided to meet up. Well, we went for a coffee which was lovely then went for a walk to the church offices. On the way back it started raining, like pouring down! So we saw a smoking shelter and decided to stop there. My friend started talking to one of the guys in there and asked if he believed in God, he said no and then debated why with us. He had a lot of knowledge of the bible though. He said his sister was a Christian and that his dad had been too. So nothing really came of it, except that we had an opportunity to share the gospel which was great! So yeah, it’s been a really good day!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Only God is constant

Isn't it funny how last time I posted, everything was great and I felt so close to God? I still am don't get me wrong, but on Saturday I did something pretty stupid and felt so bad afterwards and felt far from God, yet he loved me the same! And He still does, he is constant. And no matter what I do he will always love me! Isaiah says his love will never be unshaken, that's a cool promise!

I also found out that I got accepted to go to france in the summer on a mission trip which I'm super excited about! All in all things are pretty good, all my exams will be over in 3 weeks and then I get a long holiday!

Well that's about it, I'll see you next time!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

My lovely small group!

Ah God is amazing! Was so encouraged tonight at small group, was reminded to keep focused on God and have a God perspective at all times. To do this we can pray and before asking for stuff, to praise and glorify God for who He is. Also an idea was for every letter of the alphabet come up with a word that describes God so I've decided to have a go at that!

We were praying for each other and shared words of knowledge. My small group leader said she saw "delight" written all over me and that God really does delight in me and enjoy me- I LOVE this because my name means "joy and delight of the father". She prayed over me to have an increasing capacity of the Holy Spirit to be used greatly and to be able to have an abundance of the spirit whilst keeping my feet firmly rooted in scripture and to grow in the gift of discernment which was awesome. Also, just as she was praying over me in general she said "reveal yourself as father, as husband, as..." those two characteristics really stood out to me, to recognise God as my father who delights in me, I'm already learning that but I've never really considered Jesus my husband, yet as part of the Church I am his bride. So I really want to learn what that means for our relationship, that he is my husband too. Lord would you reveal this characteristics of yours and teach me what it means and let me learn from it and really grow in your love.

I realised that I'm quite self-centred really, it's too scary to try and be selfless, I mean it's easy to look at yourself, you're just one person but to look at the world, wow! That frightened me so I was praying and felt God say "Look to me and love me and I will show you how to love"- How cool is that? I don't need to be intimidated by the size of crowds of people when I only need to love Jesus and love other people but only look to Jesus and he will direct me to people. So that was rather cool too.

I also had words for other people and just felt reignited to prophesy, I was reminded of the dreams I've had and interpretation of a dream once, and numerous words of knowledge and I really want to grow in that. I eagerly desire to grow in that. I pray for God's will to be done, I simply ask for an outpouring of your spirit in my life in such a way that prophecies come with it. I would love to be used more with the gift of discernment and prophecy and to delve in deeper to the Holy Spirit.

Lord you are incredible, thank you that you love me and are always proud of me, thank you that you delight in me and think that I am good. Thank you for giving me the qualities of Jesus whom you love. Thank you father God. Keep me growing in you and keep me steadfast and hungry for more. I love you with every single ounce of my heart, mind and soul. All I have is yours Jesus. I love you more than words can say.
Forever yours, Abbie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday 30 April 2012

Keep my eyes focused, You are the long run

My God is an awesome God

Today and tomorrow you are the same. You are the everasting God, my shelter, my safety. You are the one in whom I trust. I trust you Jesus. I am still uncertain of the future but I will wait fot your timing. Give me peace.

When I see how great my God is, how awesome He is! How marvellous! The one who created the universe, the stars, the moon, the sky, the air that I breathe. The one who holds all life in the palm of his hand, right next to the scars of nails and the place where my name is engraved. When I see how big, how mighty, how powerful He is, my heart soars! Because nothing can ever compare to his might! Because every problem and trial that I encounter is nothing compared toknowing my God.

He is Lord, He is on the throne and no power can ever knock him off it! He is power. He is life. He is God. My God! O my God! I love you with everything within me, I love you with every substance of my body! I live for you God. You are the only thing that can satisfy me! How great you are!

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed." says the Lord, who has compassion on you. - Isaiah 54:10

How I love that verse! Thank you for loving us unconditionally! You are a beautiful God! You loved us when we were far and you loved us to the cross! Thank you my beautiful Jesus! You remain faithful forever, thank you that I get to spend forever in your presence! Wahoo! Lord I am so so so excited to see you face toface, to fall down at your feet and worshipyou without restriction or care. My only desire to be for you. To be 100% satisfied for eternity! You are God and you are good! Amen!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Glide through the sky

Random title but I'm in a bit of a random mood!

Ah God is so good isn't he?! Yesterday we were in church and my pastor came up to me before worship (I was singing that morning) and said "You know if you want to go ahead with a prophetic song we'll back you up here" and as soon as he said that I knew God was going to do something. So half way through worship, suddenly God just put these lyrics onto my lips "I am redeemed, I have been set free" and the truth of God's grace suddenly became so apparent that I started singing them, I can't remember all the words but it was about being completely free to kneel before God's throne because I am white and pure and spotless and I have no sin on me because Jesus took it all with his blood. And The Holy Spirit just flooded down on me and afterwards people said that He had on them too so that was awesome! God is sooooo cool!

More Lord! Ah, I actually love God so much! He is my King! I hope I give Him glory through this blog because that is what it's for, giving Him glory through my life and through these posts.

I said something the other day to a friend which I thought was quite cool, it was "There's no need to worry. Everyday I'm just going to wake up and worship God, and He's going to take me on a journey!" So now I just need to remember that! God is always good, He is on the throne and can never be knowcked off so there is no need to be anxious about anything! He will always guide my footsteps, I just need to start to walk!

I want to fall so utterly in love with God that it just radiates from me, I want to be so alive in Him that nothing else matters except the things that are on his heart. How great is our God!

What A Beautiful Creator :)

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Life is beautiful

I wish I had that view constantly: Life is beautiful. Because it truly is beautiful. But sometimes we get caught up in the troubles of this life and we take our eyes off Jesus and then Life doesn't seem that great.

At the moment I can see the good in the world! Ooh, guess what.. I have an incredible testimony to share so here goes:

Last Sunday afternoon, I was listening to a preach on my laptop and was worshipping and praying when God showed me a picture of a gun. So I asked him what it meant and he said 'someone you know is thinking of committing scuicide.' So I was a little worried and said 'well where do I share this? At church? Small group?' and I felt him remind me that we had an assembly at 6th form so I thought 'well I'm not sharing it in front of everyone there! People think I'm weird enough! There's no way I'm getting up there and embarrassing myself!' And God replied 'You've been asking me to use you and this is your chance, if you say no then I will use someone else but this is an oppertunity to get involved.' So I said 'Okay, I 'll do it. If this is from you then please remind me when I wake up in the morning, if it's not then let me forget it.'

Well the next morning I woke up to a text from my friend telling me she couldn't make it to the prayer meeting that afternoon so I remembered! So I prayed 'God please give me confirmation because I'm scared!' I opened the bible and read this: 'I will praise you in the great assemblies' -How cool is that?!

So I got to college and walked into assembly where they were talking about evolution- ironic huh? Haha! Then the director of 6th form spoke about how we don't know what will happen next week and to live each day as though it were your last so I thought, well I had better do this then! So when he finished and asked if there were any more announcements, I walked onto the stage and said 'Okay, so this is where your day gets a little bit crazy because my name's Abbie and I'm a Christian, and last night God told me that there's someone here who's thinking about committing scuicide, I know this sounds crazy but if that's you then could you come and see me after the assembly has finished and I'd love to pray with you. I know it's crazy but thanks!' Well no one came to see me! Unsurprisingly though. But God had a plan still! Someone may have been saved through that and if not then I still obeyed God and at break time he did something awesome!

Loads of people came up to me and were like 'that was really weird?! Why did you do that?!' They were nice about it but all very confused! So I explained about the picture and stuff and they were like 'whoah so God talks to you?!' And two of them asked me to pray for them and I had pictures for them and then some other people were like 'So who is this Jesus guy?' and I got to share the gospel with them and say why Jesus died on the cross! How cool is that?!

So that was incroyable! :) God bless!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Running to you

Ah had such an incredible weekend! My best friend came down to see me to cheer me up! She's such an amazing person, I'm so grateful for her! I just talked to her and prayed with her and feel so peacful now.

I know God is good and in control. I know this waiting and season of singleness is for his glory and I feel like I'm honouring him through it. When he gives the say so I will be estatic to be back with S but for now I can focus on God and get closer to him without temptation or distraction. Lord please make it clear to both of us.

Ah I love Jesus, He is so good! I'm loving life even though there's an aching in my heart where I miss S I know God is teaching me to depend fully on Him and trust Him to look after both of us.

Bless your name Jesus, you are full of love, your love is so extravagant! Thank you that you love me. I want to praise your name every waking moment, let everything I do be for your glory father. Bless your name! AMEN!

Thursday 1 March 2012

It's all about you Jesus

I love God. That will never change, it is impossible for me not to love Him. Even  in the middle of this trial, He is with me, He loves me, He is rooting for me every step of the way! This part of my life He has asked me to stay focused on Him alone and not get distracted. So that is what I'll do.

It's really difficult, I miss him so much but I know in a few days and weeks it will get easier, especially as I spend more time with God. That is the entire reason for this.

I wrote a worship song today. It was simple, in the key of C, basic 4/4 chords, simple love words from scripture. But it made me want to sing! It was simple, but I felt God's pleasure in it.

I read my bible a lot today. I read bits from Isaiah, Jeremiah, 2 Kings, Matthew, Luke, Phillipians.. I went all over the place! It was really encouraging, I read some beautful words and God really spoke to me through verses such as 2 Peter 1:3-8
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

or Romans 5:3-5 "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

and especially James 1:2-4 "2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

God is so kind, good and helpful. I feel like I'm drawing closer just by spending time in his word.

I haven't been praying loads because I seem to just cry for the things I want and not pray out of thanksgiving or just talking to God so for now I've been just praying in tongues. Tomorrow I'm going to try and pray more 'without complaining or arguing'. I've also been listening to worship music which is HUGELY helpful! I love listening to people singing praise to God, I think it is one of the most beautiful things to listen to.

Anyway, I'm going to have an early night tonight, I think sleep is very important. Let's close in a short prayer.

Dear Lord, thank you for your great love and goodness. Thank you that you are ALWAYS good, and that you turn everything to work for good for those who love you. Thank you for being my best friend and thank you that you love me with an EVERLASTING LOVE. Help me to love you more and spend even more time with you. I pray I will feel your prescense in a tangible way and know that you never leave me or forsake me. I know you love me and this is for you. I pour everything out. I give my life to you. I hold NOTHING back. Anything you ask I will give you Lord. I love you more than anything else in this world. You are my friend, father, saviour. The one in whom I trust. You are my strength. I lean upon you now. You are great, worthy of all praise. Thank you for adopting me, for choosing me to be your child, I don't deserve this but I galdy accept this gift. Thank you for your grace. Oh Jesus you are so good! Bless your name! Amen.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lord of my tomorrows

Trusting God is hard. Especially when he tells you to do something that you're not really sure you want to do. Like calling it off with your boyfriend because God wants you're undivided attention. Yep. That's where my life is right now. I need to blog to get some of these feelings out. I'm so confused! Surely something so right can't feel this bad? If I heard from God, and I know I did, why does honouring him take so much strength. I feel like I'm being tested and it hurts so much. I can get over this hurt in time, its not my feelings I care about, it's his. I need to trust God to look after him and that's the hardest part. Especially when he was so sweet and caring about it all. I literally felt like my heart was being torn apart.

Enough. A new start. This is a season of singleness and I have to focus on God not on him. This is the hardest thing God has ever asked me to do. But it is for his glory and I will praise him in this storm. God please let him be alright, please take care of him and look after him.

Now I need to feel you in this place Lord, keep speaking, keep telling me I did right God! I need you more than ever! Help me to make you my one focus, my one desire, I give EVERYTHING to you now! My life, my plans, my present, past and future, it's yours. Let your will be done father. I love youand trust you, give me peace. Oh God, help me! Thankyou for this love, thank you for this peace. I love you, you are so gracious and so good. Bless your name O Lord! Amen.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

A heart for God

Such an amazing day! I went to an all day french workshop today which was really useful! It was great to be able to talk in another language with other people who all share that same interest. I love france, and all cultures and languages, it's really where my heart is at. I know God spoke to me about The Ukraine and other nations and I've been putting it off so I can follow my own plan through but I'm really starting to fall in love with the idea of travelling again and teaching English abroad.

I went to a prayer metting this evening, which was awesome! During worship, the pastor shared a word about qualifications and people feeling unqualified to do God's work and he felt God say 'I have qualified you, you have all the qualifications you need to do my work'. I've been fretting about Uni and career prospectives, etc. for a while and wondering if I should go to university and get qualifications for my future but I've known all along in my heart that it's not for me. I really don't want to go to uni. And all those words God has given me about The Ukriane and 'sooner than you think', I've realised that perhaps he doesn't want me to either! My mum wants me to go I think, as well as a lot of my friends, but if God's not in it, there is no way I'm going! I want to be used for the glory of the kingdom of God!

I'm going to France on a mission trip in July, if I get on the team, and I'm praying God will make in clear then what he wants me to do. I'm very excited! If I have to leave people behind; friends and family, etc. in order to follow God's plan then so be it. There are some difficult decisions I need to make but I know my God and I trust him to do what isbest. Everything according to his plan. For his glory!

Tonight, as well as the qualifications word, I was praying with my small group and I heard God inaudibly say 'Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life' then my small group leader prophesied over me saying 'God wants to expand your heart', she said that I am pure and my heart for God is pure and he wants to expand me to love him more and more and refresh my heart for new things. She prayed over me to be used greatly at college and for God to renew the work he is doing there and increase in his spirit. So that was cool!

I really feel God wants me to guard my heart more, to love him first and greatest of all and to keep myself pure and uncorrupted by others and by this world. I love Jesus so much, I want my heart to beat for him alone. I don't want to live for anyone else but him! Yet I get distracted constantly by other people whom I love greatly too and I need to focus more on Jesus. Help me God. Thank you for your unconditional love, which loves me even when I don't spend time with you, when I don't do what you want and when I don't listen to you. Thank you that you never give up on me. I love you Jesus so very much, you mean everything to me father!

Let me be more like you, help me to spend more time with you in order to be more like you. Let everything I do be because of my love for you! I pray that would be the first thing on my mind when I wake and whenI sleep, let me be compelled by your love. Form my heart to be moulded into yours more. Holy Spirit, I recognise I need your helpto do this, transform me Lord, renew me. Lord, I long for you! My sould thirsts for you! You are so good Lord!
Love, your daughter, Abbie xxxxx

Monday 6 February 2012

Jesus is my best friend

I love Jesus so much! He is so good! I sometimes get uncertain about the future and about God's timing but there is no need! God's call and gifts are irrevocable: his promises are true and they will happen! God is good! There is no need to be anxious because what he says will happen will always happen in his perfect timing!

I love Jesus more than anyone or anything in the world and I will do anything he asks of me, He died for me on a cross so that I would be free! Thank you Jesus! Thank you! There is NOTHING I can do to make him love me more or less than he does! I'm holding on to you Jesus! Never let me go! How great you are God! Blessed be your name! Thank you for loving me, for freeing me from sin, for choosing me to be your daughter and for delighting in me! Thank you my dear, lovely, strong, father! How I do love you dad! I love you! Please help me to be more like you, for you are good!

When I am weak, you are strong! I will not fear for you are near God!!! Thank you for keeping me safe! Jesus you are my king! Reign in me forever! Jesus if you never do another thing for me I will still love you! It isn't possible to not love you for you are so great and worthy to be praised! How I love it when you smile at me, when you talk to me, when you give me gifts, when I go through good times and bad times I know you are there!

I pray my life would be fruitful with fruits of the holy spirit! More Lord! More of you in my life! Change me to be more Christ like! Whenever I falter, your love is an anchor and a refuge for my soul! AMEN!

Jesus is so good, so worthy of my praise! I love you father God! :)

Thursday 26 January 2012

God is love

I was baking bread yesterday evening and I was singing "Oh how he loves us" -beautiful song by the way!- and God just suddenly filled me with his Holy Spirit and I just felt his love and felt as though he was delighting in me. It was incredible, I didn't do anything, I wasn't seeking him but he just came and my heart was wrapped in his love. I love my God. He is beautiful, I can't wait to see his face!
On Tuesday I was asked what makes me completely happy; what is it that I do when I am completely content and loving life. I thought about it and said "when I'm in worship" I love worshipping God! On Sunday I was on worship singing at the front and I usually find it really hard to worship in front of people but God just came into that meeting and I was able to worship him completely! He filled me with his spirit and it was beautiful, he is so worthy to be praised!

God loves us, he is love, he created us for love and out of love. Lord, help me to love you more, with a purer, deeper love. Help me to love everyone around me more deeply and with the kind of love that you love me with. I want to be compelled by love, let everything I do be out of love Lord! Show me what love is in your eyes!

Lord, I ask for more moments where you just fall upon me, where you speak to me and change me God. Help me to live as an example to others, help me to live like you want me to live. I love you Jesus. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Just another post

Gracious! Sorry but I just love that exclamative expression! Just had a beautiful conversation with my beautiful best friend over skype! Really missing her but she's doing really well so I'm happy :)
Not much going on at the moment; went to work yesterday and church this morning. Church was pretty good, a lady got healed! She had been experiencing pain from torn ligaments in her hand and we prayed for it and she was healed! Thank you Jesus! I can't wait to return to school tomorrow and see what God wants to do this week! We shall see...

Just a short post today, feeling quite tired and there's not much to share at the minute. I will return when I return! Tata for now xxx

Thursday 12 January 2012

Fourth day

Keeps getting better! Today I had loads of conversations with my friends about God, eternity, sin, etc. God keeps opening doors to share the gospel! God is awesome!
This week has been such a bleesing to me and to my relationship with God, He has opened my ears to hear him better and it is wonderful! I just walked home from sixth form and God painted a beautiful rainbow! It was glorious! I've never seen such a vibrant and colourful rainbow before and just worshipped God! Isn't he a great artist?! I felt Him say "My promises are always over you, I never break my promises or transfer my promises to someone else. What I say will happen, will happen. My promises are over you." And I walked underneath that rainbow all the way home and when I arrived home the rainbow disappeared! Incredible! Thank you God for that experience! I want more!

I'm so excited to see what God is going to do this year, if we all surrender our lives to him he can do so much more! I've felt God speak to me recently about not clinging to anything but him. If we hold our lives in open hands God can give to us freely, yes he can also take away but you need to trust him. God is always good, in every situation he works for the good of those who love him. Let him be lord of everything and you will see incredible things. Bring revival Lord! Turn this nation around, turn my life around so I can be better equipped to serve you and share your love.

Tonight we will be praying for overseas and mission, particularly for our friends who have moved to other countries in obedience to God's calling. God meet with us tonight I pray, come Holy Spirit and teach us how to pray! Help me to worship you without distractions and let your will be done. Amen!

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Third day

Loving life right now! God is good! He remains constant; he was, is and will forever be good! Today was good, just returned from the prayer meeting where we prayed for the church, ministry, mission, overseers, leadershi, etc. My small group leader and friend came up to me and prayed for me and afterwards said she felt purity coming from me and that God had a harvest for me, to keep spending time with God and he has much fruit to harvest for me. I then opened my bible and read this "then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." That was so encouraging! Thank you Lord! Definitely up for spending more time with God and him speaking to me more! Can't wait to see the seeds I've sown harvested as well! Really exciting! Oh more God! More!

I love you Jesus! He is so good. Like I said, I've been praying for my boyfriend whilst he's away this week and we skyped last night and God is doing some crazy awesome things for him too! I won't go into details, it's his life, but God is speaking to him and meeting with him often and I just pray it continues even after he returns from this week! Thank you Lord for what you're doing in both our lives :)

I want to live in all the fullness of God! Let me experience that God, I seek you with all of my heart, let me find you! Thank you that when I seek, you are found.That when I ask, it is done. That when I knock, you open the door! You never leave me or forsake me and I am so grateful! Thank you God! I pray I would never become satisfied with living without you, let me continually thirst for more of you and continually be drenched in your spirit. There is always enough, thank you! Help me to love more easily, even to the people I don't know or have hurt me. Help me to love with your love, shape my heart to be like yours! I pray people would see the way I live and turn to you because of it! Not to us, but to your name be the glory! Amen!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Second day

Topics to pray for today:
Personal – pray for every believer:
Rediscovering “our first love” (Rev 2)
Spiritual ears to be unblocked
Walking well with God
Worshipping Jesus in daily life
Quiet Times with God - hearing his voice
To be full of the Holy Spirit
Strong marriages
Godly families
Honouring singles
Stewardship / finances

This is what our church is praying for this evening so I thought I'd pop it on here so if you're stuck for ideas of what to pray for then you can join us! I think this is such an important aspect of our lives; walking well with God! I want to have quiet times more often, hear from God more often and spend my life worshipping him! I'd love to have quiet times with my boyfriend sometimes too, my best friend and I used to occasionally do that before she moved but I think it's important to spend time with God alone and with other people who are important to you. There are so many benefits of spending time with Jesus, you will feel so blessed!

I find it really hard to try and live and walk in my own strength, I try to struggle against this culture on my own and I fail. I fall down, I get sucked into the world and don't live a life pleasing to God. I need his strength to carry on, I need him to help me. I need to spend time with him to recharge. He loves me when I'm good and when I'm bad. He loves me whether I spend time with Him or not. That's not why we do it. It's so we can experience the FULLNESS OF GOD! Don't you love that phrase? The Fullness of God! I want it! I want to experience the fullness of God, to experience heaven on earth!

If you're a creative person and find it hard to spend time with God why not worship him in creative ways such as painting or dancing or writing a song? God is so awesome! In games you can win and complete levels and even complete the game itself but with God you never reach the end of getting to know him; there's no end! God is eternal, no matter how much time we spend time with him we can never know just how good and awesome and full of love he is! He's just too big for our human minds! But oh it is so good when you spend time with him!

My soul longs for you Lord! Make me more like you! I pray that you would open our spiritual ears Lord, let us hear your voice more clearly! We are your sheep, we know you speak so help us to hear what you are saying! Help us to rediscover you and your love, to always put you first, you are the only God, you are the Lord, help us to stop putting other things before you! Only you Lord! Help us to worship you in our daily life and to spend more time with you everyday. Speak to us more God, give us prophecies and words of knowledge for others but also speak to us individually about our personal lives, speak to us more about your love and your plans and your goodness God! We love you so much! Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit, thank you that we have your spirit dwelling in us, keep us longing after you, keep us seeking you. We ask for more God, more spirit, more love, more goodness, thank you for your grace! Thank you Jesus!! God help the church to be full of your love and to make a mark on this world, on this culture to change it! Form us to be more like you, living lives that are pure, holy and pleasing to you! Let us honour you with our hearts, minds, bodies and mouths. God we love you so much. I love you Lord! Thank you! You are good! You are the best! Thank you! Show us how we can experience the Fullness of God, show us the way Lord! AMEN!

Monday 9 January 2012

Week of Prayer and fast

Today has been a good day. I haven't done much to be honest but I just spent some time with God which always makes it a good day! It's so great to have a friend who you can just unload your problems to and know that you don't need to worry about ANYTHING because Jesus is LORD over all. Whatever happens, He will NEVER be knocked off his throne! God is Good! Amen? AMEN!

So this week our church is having a week of Prayer and Fast and I have decided to focus my prayer on three main points (as well as praying for many other things): My boyfriend, The Ukraine and my College. The reasons? Well, my boyfriend is going away for a week on a church week away thing and I felt God ask me to pray for him. I'm praying that he will meet with God powerfully and God would speak to him clearly this week. I pray that he will become even more of a mighty man of God! He's such a great guy I thank God for him so really want to support him in prayer this week as he meets with God. Secondly, The Ukraine- Kind of obvious! I love the Ukraine and it's something on both mine and God's hearts, particularly street children and orphans so I'm praying for God's love to be revealed to them and for their protection. Thirdly, again kind of obvious, I know God's stirring up his power within my college and the lower school too so I pray that will increase and the guys there will be saved.

Life is good, I'm content, I'm happy :) God is awesome and I'm so excited to see what he will do over the next week as the church gathers in prayer. Looking forward to the first collective prayer meeting tomorrow evening and I shall update as I pray and hear from God.

Psalm 36:5-10
"Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house;
you give them drink from your river of delights.

For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.

Continue your love to those who know you,
your righteousness to the upright in heart."

Friday 6 January 2012


Ah it's good to be back! Hope everyone had a great christmas and new year! Made any resolutions yet? I haven't made nearly so many as usual I think I could some them all up in the sentence: This year I want to live a life compelled by love.

Awesome things are happening for the first week of 2012! It can only get better!

So recently I haven't been spending as much time with God, mainly because I've been distracted by 6th form, work, my boyfriend and all the new things that are happening, for instance my 2 best friends moved away :( Very sad but they're both doing what God wants and are enjoying it immensely, and we keep in touch... Anyhoo, so yeah then this week I randomly put on some worship music and looked back through my old prayer diaries (which were the main reason for starting this blog so it would all be in one place!) and yeah God just totally revealed himself! It was incredible! I heard his voice internally but so clearly, he told me: "I am not finished with you, my work in you is only just starting. I will use you. You will be used as a path for my glory in this nation. I have great things planned for you. When I look at you I see Jesus, this is not of you but a gift from me and when others look at you they will also see Jesus in you for my Holy Spirit is within you. Do not worry about doing right, I will not leave you."
How awesome is that?! Then I opened my bible and read: '"From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it happens, I am there." And now the sovereign Lord has sent me, with his spirit. This is what the Lord says- your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go."
I was filled with His Spirit and felt renewed and encouraged by the things he said and the things I had written about my college from last year. I wanted Him to use me more so I prayed for lots of things, school, friends, family, etc.

Yesterday, I felt God challenge me to pray over my friends for words of knowledge/prophecies at school so I prayed and text my 2 christian friends asking if they could also pray but not much happened in terms of witnessing. Then today I woke up and felt God say "speak about my love" and I felt like I would talk to large groups of people because that is what I had been reading in my prayer diary, it was one of the prophecies spoken over me that I would witness to large groups of people and not to be afraid. And today, that oppertunity arose; we were all talking about God and one of my friends who has sprained his hip and has crutches, said he met some Christians when he was out for halloween and one of them spoke about healing and he said to me "Ah I kind of wish I had my hip thing then because they could have prayed for me" so I said "Do you want to be prayed for?" and he was like "Yeah okay then" and so I asked if I could put my hand on his hip and prayed and nothing happened so I asked him to stand and prayed again and nothing happened so I prayed again and this time I got indignant and prayed God 've just made myself look like an idiot here, no, I won't take no for an answer, heal him now in the name of Jesus! And he wiggled his hips and was like "Whoah, I'm healed!" And I asked if he felt any pain and he said no! So I said "You're sure? You're not just saying this?" And he was like "no it doesn't hurt! I'm going on a run tonight now!" PRAISE GOD!
Then he preceeded to tell his friends that God had healed him! He put it on facebook/twitter and wasn't afraid to tell the world that he was healed BY GOD! Awesome!!!!!

Thank you Lord! That is the first person I've prayed for who has been healed! Glory to God! Thank you for using me, for fulfilling prophecies over me for showing your great love and mercy! Thank you so much! Please speak to his heart and everyone around us who witnessed your mercy, please show them who you are, reveal Jesus to them and use me I pray! I pray for words of knowledge as I'm sitting with them, shine your light in our school God! Increase the number of people at the prayer meetings! Do more miracles! Thank you LORD! You are so good to us!

More Lord! Bring revival to this place! Bring my friends to church! Lord do more in our nation! I love you more than anything in the world! Let your will be done!