Saturday 23 October 2010

Compelled by Love

Had another awesome day today, went to my friend's house for a couple of hours and she lent me a book called "compelled by love" by Heidi Baker. I read the introduction and was in tears!! It's an absolutely amazing book and if you ever get the chance, read it. 

I feel like every day I'm getting one step closer to God; well I suppose I am seeing as every day we're one step closer to heaven! But I mean in my relationship with him. I know I never can and never will fully understand God but each day I learn something new, I learn how to love all over again, I learn what faith truly is, I understand more about our role as Christians on the earth. God is so amazing! He just loves to talk to us, to hold us, to whisper to us!

Anyway, in this book it talks about the "Western world" and how once she got a picture of "us" licking the crumbs from under the table, when there was a glorious feast on the table. It really made me think. Why are we settling for crumbs, when God invites us to a banquet?

I was walking into Tesco's today and as I was walking up to the door, God challenged me to lay hands on the sick and heal them in his name. I then literally walked into a woman in a wheelchair, but I just couldn't do it! I couldn't say to her, "Hi I'm a Christian. I can see your in a wheelchair, please could I pray for you to be healed?" I just couldn't! I doubted. I didn't have the faith. I didn't have the courage. I've been asking for opportunities to tell people about God and for people to be healed, yet here I was, rejecting this God-given opportunity! Yesterday, at youth group, we were praying for my friends back to be healed and we asked her how it was on a scale of 1-10 and she said 6, so we prayed again, she then said 10! And guess what we did?! We said "Really? Wow!"
... What is with that! We pray for faith, for healing, for people to know God and yet we are so surprised when God does something! No wonder we don't see many miracles in the "Western world"! I was talking to my friend's dad today, who was saying that Christians pray for God to heal someone, or to do something and then wait for God to do it, God does it through us; he gave us power and authority, not to just ask him and then sit around and wait, he gave us his authority to lay hands on the sick and heal them; he gives us the opportunities and then speaks through us or acts through us, he uses us for his glory!

Don't worry, it's so much easier said than done! But I want to do it too! I want to go out there, into the world and lay hands on the sick; and they will be healed, to pray for the dead; and they will be raised to life, to pray for the hungry; and they will never be hungry again!
God does these miracles in the bible. He does them in the world. Today. When we fall on our knees and cry out to God to see miracles and healing on a regular basis, it will happen!
But we can't pray and sit in our comfortable homes, lie in our comfortable beds, read amazing Christian books and go to sleep thinking "ah, that was nice, thanks God" and then nothing changes. The world needs change! We can pray to see miracles all we like but until we go out there, and lay hands on the sick as God commanded us to do, we won't see anything!

Where are the believers of miracles, the believers of love. They are out there. Are you one of them? Jesus is calling us to surrender to him and go out into our streets, our neighbourhoods, our towns, and expect salvation for our friends and family. How much do you love your friends and family? How much do you want to see them in heaven? How much more does God love them and want them in heaven!

Have you ever thought "I can't be bothered right now. I'm too tired. My life's just to busy." *Raises hand* I have. Even now, I sometimes feel that it's too much effort, even to pray for the energy! Sometimes, it's easier to not try, to simply carry on as the rest of the world does. But then we miss out on the beautiful things God wants us to experience!

I hope and pray that I never fall into the thinking pattern of this world, that I never stop loving Jesus and loving my 'neighbours' as he wants me too. I pray for more faith and confidence every day that when Jesus says to me "pray for that person". I will. God, would you do that? Please help me, equip me for your plan and for your will. I will do whatever you want me to do, help me Lord! Amen!

God has a huge plan ahead; do you want to be part of it?

Thursday 21 October 2010

Another day...

Had another awesome conversation in R.E today with the class, only one more day before half term!!! In exactly one week and 4 days my parents will be in India for 2 weeks and some family friends are looking after us. I heard about this Christian youth thing happening for a weekend but it is whilst the are away so I'm not sure if I can go yet :/ 
I'm really excited about it though; it's aimed at youth who really want to see a change in their schools and communities, which is exactly the type of thing I want to see more of in this school! It looks really good, I just pray that I'll be allowed to go! I know I've said this before, but God is really doing some amazing stuff in my life and in this school so it would be a great opportunity to get equipped for what God is going to continue to do!

Change of conversation, but sometimes I just want to get out of this culture, to go somewhere else where people aren't driven by their job or clothes or money or any other material, worldly 'goods'!  But to be driven by Jesus!! Or rather, I do want to be in that type of culture, to help change it and tell it about Jesus so that they will be driven by God but I want to be surrounded by change; change God's way, to really see the difference that God is making through me. I know, I know I've seen 3 of my friends saved this year, what more can I expect, yeah? Well I do expect more!!! God is absolutely amazing!!! He loves us sooo much, so obviously he's going to want to talk to us and wants us to talk back. "Ask and it shall be given". I'll tell you something; If you expect God to do great things every day in your life and you just simply ask him, he is going to do it!! In Mark 16 vs 15-18 it says: 15He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." 
Doesn't that say it all? I expect God to be changing classes at a time! For there to be healing on the field and in the classrooms, for people to be baptised in the holy spirit and for our whole school to be crying out praise to our the Lord our God! Phew! Went on a bit of a ramble there.. but I'm not sorry!!! God deserves our undying attention, he craves everything we have! When we get rid of all the worldly junk in our hearts, it gives God the room to work, to fill us with his love, grace and mercy! God has given us authority to heal!!! "In my name.. they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." Praise God!! He meant it then, and he means it now, it didn't stop 2000 years ago, it is just as real today as it was then, and we have a bigger population now! If everyone on your street became a Christian and then each of those told someone about God, and it just carries on and on and on! Jesus said he's coming back after the whole world has heard about God; what are you waiting for?!!! Pray for opportunities to speak with people about God, and then pray for more!!!

What are you waiting for?

Saturday 16 October 2010

Amazing Youth Group!!!!!

I don't know what to say... I am so grateful to God, he does the most amazing stuff just because he can!
Last night was WOW! Me and my friend spoke about surrender to our youth group and then we waited to see what God wanted to do, we had some prophetic words for some people so we read those out and we put on some music and let God lead. Had loads of responses, people were praying on their own who weren't Christians and the Christians were praying on their own and for each other, it was incredible! I went to pray for 2 of my school friends who have started coming to youth group and they both broke down into tears, had some pictures and words for them and I prayed over them and asked if there was anything specific to pray for so I prayed again for that. It was truly incredible! I never thought it would happen! They both gave their lives to God and became Christians!!! Praise God!

Need to pray for these 2 but also everyone who turned up last night that did and didn't respond, I truly believe they are now one step closer to God! Keep praying for these youth, God is doing some amazing stuff in our school and youth group! We need to be praying for them to be strengthened in the Lord and protection over them that they continue to follow God. Amen!

Friday 15 October 2010

God is good! He is great!

Wow! I didn't think it could get much better than this?!!

This week has been amazing... one of the best in my life!
On Sunday I wrote a list of expectations, I want God to do in my life but particularly for the next week (this week). Most of the expectations were about more amazing conversations with my friends and to be a witness for Christ. Every single expectation was met, to the fullest possible way that it could have been!!!

Had 2 different conversations about God and Forgiveness and Grace with about 8 people in total!

Told 2 guys who didn't know before about my faith and why I believe in him and about hearing God speak!

This was amazing!!! In my chemistry class we were "debating" God vs Science. It was me (and God!) against a class of 32 students. I stood in front of my class and said: "I believe in God, I believe in Jesus. I believe that Jesus came down and saved the world" So I got to witness to 32 people!!!!! Thank you God!!!!

Even more amazing!!! I had R.E; it was a different class, about half the people who were in my chemistry were there and half from another class were there. We were talking about witnessing to people, everyone was asking me questions about my faith and my church and how I knew there was a God and why do people go to Heaven or hell!! It was another amazing God-given opportunity!!!

Talked to 2 of my friends who are coming to my youth group tonight, we just had a great time of talking about prayer and one of them even asked me to pray for something!!!

This week was a blessing and a joy. Thank you God for choosing me to share your gospel to the people in my school this week! I pray that something of what I said would really speak to them, make them consider you, I pray for tonight as well at youth group that loads of people would be added to your kingdom! I pray that you would be glorified tonight!

I feel that God is on the verge of doing some really amazing works in our school and youth group!! Keep praying for us!! 


Tuesday 12 October 2010

Nah nah nah nah nah... I'm loving it!!

The title of this post says it all!!! Had 3 conversations with about 12 people in total about God and his saving grace!! I've invited them to youth group on Friday so hopefully they'll be there! More God!
I love God so much, don't you? He is 

You know that really amazing thing called prophecy? Where God speaks his heart through humans? Well, I'm starting to understand it a bit more! When someone came up to me on the 13th May and said "God's going to give you the gift of prophecy" I didn't even know what it meant?! Since last year really, it got clearer and then about 2 weeks ago, I was at a prayer meeting and I was being prayed for (and prophesied over) and a lady said to me that she feels that God has given me the gift of discernment, to know when God is speaking and when it's the world, and to discern between what's right and wrong. How COOL is that?! That's what I needed!! Thank you God! Since that week, I have been hearing from God about really random things such as what my day is going to be like or pointing a song out on the Saturday and God says You're going to sing that tomorrow! Things that wouldn't effect my life whatsoever really, except... they come true! Every time! Boost of faith or what?! It's like God is saying random things to me to get me started, to tell me how to listen for his voice. Then on Friday night, I had a dream where a person was prophesying over me; she said that it was time for bigger and better things and to start prophesying over the church and individuals- in the background this guy was throwing something which I thought to be 'manna' over the church. I'm not sure what the latter meant but I really believe this dream was from God because I remember it in such great detail. Thank you God! I also wrote a list of "expectations" down, things I wanted God to do in my life, but mainly for this week- this was yesterday; since then I have had 2 great conversations with different friends about God (one of my expectations on the list was to have many more great conversations with my friends about the Lord!). Praise God! 
Anyway, that's the update on moi (Yeah I love speaking in French too!)

By the way, anyone know where I could get a 'not-too-expensive' Ukrainian-English dictionary from? I checked WH Smith but they don't sell them, not surprisingly-the lady at the desk didn't even know it was a country!!

Another prayer request: a friend of mine (no names) is "half-way" there to giving her life to God, she finds it hard to understand how and why God forgives her, I have tried to explain it but she still seems a bit wary on that and other things, so would you please pray for her this week and also for any other friends who come on Friday evening to youth group that they would hear the message and it would really speak to them! 