Thursday 26 July 2012

France and Lovely people!

Wahey! Just returned from my adventure in France and can honestly say it was one of the best weeks of my life! God did some incredible things there and I know we've made an impact on the city and the Church growth.

This is a picture of the city centre, it is such a beautiful country! I got this picture of google because we didn't take loads of the city but I'll upload some more later!

Where to start?! At the beginning of the week we had an amzing weekend in Croydon training for going out to our different locations and met with God so powerfully there! Felt a release in the spirit of prophecy which was exciting as had many oppertunities to prophecy this week.

We had an amazing worship session Saturday evening and a brilliant talk about newday global by one of the leaders. It was so cool to look back through the notes in France and keep encouraging each other to be bold! We went to a church in Croydon on the Sunday and Jazz preached, was REALLY good! Made me so excited about going out to Montpellier. We created our own "Team Monty t-shirts" with the slogan "All things are possible." They truly are with God!

At the beginning of the week I was slightly disheartened because I had trouble with the language barrier, I've been studying French at AS level the past year but although I could understand a lot I couldn't respond in French. So we prayed over that and BOOM the next day went out and preached the gospel in French! Had some awesome conversations which were really encouraging and had the opportunity to pray for one woman's father who was in hospital. Also, went treasure hunting and found one guy which matched nearly every single one of my clues! Very encouraging! God is so funny, at one point I was praying what to put under the "unusual" bracket and heard Him say "Tree" but I said "God, trees aren't really unusual?!" and he replied "This is an unusual tree." Haha! I found that so funny, God has a sense of humour! We found the unusual tree too! Another time I was sat in my room after hearing an incredible talk on prophecyand was praying that I would distinguish God's voice more clearly. So I prayed God would show me who the next person to walk into my room would be and at that the door creaked open and Jesus said "It's me!" and I felt his presence in the room and just started laughing at his little joke! He's awesome! We did the lifehouse skit as well which had a really great impact because it was a large scale evangelism without any language barrier and we had some great conversations with people because of it.

This is a picture of some of the team, they were all amazing and I love them all loads! Made some great friends, got along with everyone, they're amazing! So passionate about Jesus- they're going to change the world!

I feel like God has and is changing that city and He used us! It was awesome to be apart of that. Though there were challenges, God grew us in them and I know I've made some lifelong friendships with some truly inspirational people and can't wait to see what God has in store for everyone for the rest of this year! Will probably post more as I think of more that happened. :)

Enjoy the photos! Much love! xx

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